mezan oil 5ltr

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Mezan Olivola Olive and Canola 5 LitreMezan proudly presents Olivola a nutritional promise that combines the premium properties of cold press Canola with the healthy richness of Olive Oil. Olivola is produced from the finest of olives sourced in collaboration with Singapore. It is intact with the natural goodness of antioxidants which according to scientific research are responsible for preventing inflammation and oxidative stress in brain cells. Olive Oil is known the world over for its abundant nutritional benefits. Apart from being an oil that promotes a healthy heart it shields against diabetes blood pressure and many forms of cancer.Canola Oil in addition to being an allpurpose and good tasting oil has numerous nutritional elements of its ownmainly enriched with Omega3 Omega6 and Omega9 fatty acids that protect against organ diseases of all kinds. Mezan Olivola is a breakthrough in nutritional advancement making it your number one choice for exceptionally healthy cooking and great tasting food.


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